Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cute Foods For Kids: Strawberry Flowers!

Hello all. I found these beautiful strawberries at the local market. They were perfect with no bruises! I just wanted to share what I did today in order to entice the picky little eaters in my life to eat more fruits. They used to be a big fan of strawberries but that seems to be changing  very fast. Now, I have to work a bit harder to prep fruits. I try to make something out of them: animals, flowers, trees, you name it...In this case I made a flower.

Wash your strawberries and pat dry. Cut off all the green parts. If the strawberry is a bit oblong, cut as seen below on the right. This way you will get more 'petals' for your flower...
Place the petals' on a small plate as shown...
Then add another layer kinda in between the below layer...
Keep adding layers using the same sized cuts of strawberries...
Keep the ends for later-These are hard to layer because they are not flat.
If you do not have enough strawberries you can use the ends in the middle of the flower'.
This was about eight strawberries. Imagine how cute this would look at a party??
If you have more fruit, keep slicing them if you don't want the end pieces in there. It lays much more flat and does not slide out of place like the ends do.
Take this to your next summer party or get together, It'll be a hit!
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